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Mice, rats and other rodents can cause serious damage to your home or business. They can gnaw through wires and insulation, burrow in attics and wall voids and transmit dangerous diseases. Rodents are not simply a nuisance - they are a serious health danger that will not go away if ignored. Rodent infestations tend to get worse over time, so immediate treatment is advised.
A vast number of pests, including fleas, cockroaches, dust mites and ants fall into this category. Insects can be found in literally any area of your home - from the carpets and cupboards to the furniture upholstery and wall cracks. Treating insects with chemical compounds is the most effective means of treatment but it must always be carried out by professionals who guarantee the utmost level of safety.
Most people have no experience of woodworm until they discover small holes or fine dust in their roof spaces, floors or furniture. This is usually enough evidence to suggest that there is some form of woodworm infestation in their premises, but this must be confirmed by a trained professional. Woodworm is the common name for a number of wood-boring insects; there are four species, common furniture beetle, wood boring weevil, death watch beetle and longhorn beetle.
Bed bugs are more than just a nuisance. They are an extraordinarily stubborn type of infestation that can require multiple treatments to remove. Bud bugs are flat, reddish brown insects that are swollen and reddish after a meal of blood. Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without eating, which is why they are so difficult to get rid of. Infestations tend to be much more extensive than they seem on the surface.
Pigeons and Cleaning Sterilisation
Fouling of solar panels – This reduces the effectiveness of each contaminated panel by up to 60%.
Fouling of patios, paths, and balconies – a slip hazard, unsightly, and a risk to human health.
Spoiling the roof and walls– leads to long-term damage of brickwork and stonework Blocked drains (which can result in water damage)
Evidence of nests being infested by crawling and flying insects.
Pigeons in the loft space.
Did you know pest birds can also be a health and safety hazard? Pigeons can be harmful to human health.
They can cause histoplasmosis, salmonella, meningitis, cryptococcosis, ornithosis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis (bird fancier’s lung).
They carry parasites such as lice, ticks, fleas, and mites which can spread disease from the birds to humans.
When the guano (bird mess) is left to dry it becomes airborne. When ingested into the lungs you can suffer serious fungal infections.
Pigeon fouling is now classed as hazardous waste.